ParkTree envisions a future where health equity and access is available to all who seek care in our community.
The Parktree Community Health Center (PCHC) is a 501(c)(3) Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) providing comprehensive primary care medical services to the underserved population of Pomona and the surrounding areas.
ParkTree was founded in 1995 as the “Pomona Clinic Coalition” by Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center and other local healthcare providers in response to the burgeoning indigent and working poor population in the eastern end of Los Angeles County and to address the region’s lack of adequate public health infrastructure.
The organization was incorporated in 2005, received its 501(c)(3) nonprofit status in 2007 and started its first year as a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) status in 2014. The health center was the vision of Dr. Jamie Garcia and founded with her spirit of heart and hope.
Ensure a Consistent, Exceptional Patient Experience: increase patient satisfaction levels by defining and implementing a culture of exceptional customer service; improve access to care for all individuals through enhancing workflows and addressing barriers to care; increase patient engagement to maximize Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH) principles with a focus on communication and education.
Invest in the Best Talent: improve staff retention with an emphasis on provider retention through maximizing employee support and recognition; create professional development plans for every position at ParkTree to promote career growth; review and optimize the organizational structure and reporting relationships with employee and non-employee staff to ensure high-level employee support.
Optimize Community Engagement: establish new community outreach and education programs; increase awareness of ParkTree’s services to identify new consumers, partners, and financial supporters; strengthen and develop collaborative partnerships that are alignment with ParkTree’s missions and strategic initiatives to support client needs.
Sustain a High Performing Board of Directors: expand the Board of Directors with a focus on patient recruitment; sustain current high level of Board engagement through a comprehensive orientation and annual education program; establish a succession plan to ensure continuity of Board leadership.
Strengthen Fiscal Position Ensuring Long-Term Organizational Stability: ensure patients are navigated to available health coverage options; maximize reimbursement for current and upcoming payment reform initiatives; optimize electronic health record for quality reporting and incentive reimbursement; increase charitable giving from foundations, donors, and individuals.
ParkTree leadership is committed to ensuring the success of the plan. To that end, the Board of Directors and staff will be held accountable for the activities necessary to complete the plan. Progress towards the goals will be reviewed and reported quarterly to the Board of Directors by a committee composed of Board members and staff. A full review and update will occur annually.