Care You Can Trust

Diabetes Care

Prevent or Manage Your Diabetes

The Parktree Community Health Center wants to be your medical home and assist you with all of your medical needs. We are here to help you prevent diabetes through diet, exercise and weight control. And while all diabetes cannot be prevented, we are here to help you lower your risks. Ask your Provider if you are at risk for developing diabetes and if you should be tested.

If you are one of the millions of people already diagnosed with diabetes, we are here to help you manage your diabetes through your medical visits and with information provided by our diabetes educator. Meet one on one with the educator or attend classes offered here at Parktree Community Health Center. Learn about creating goals to manage your disease. Learn about healthy nutrition, medication management, physical activity and weight management. You can control your diabetes. We are here to help. Ask for a schedule of classes or make an appointment to the see the educator.

diabetes care ponoma city
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CONSTRUCTION on HOLT AVENUE Between Garey Avenue and Mills Avenue until February 2024. To our patients coming for care at our Holt Avenue medical or dental facility be aware of the construction being performed on the street. Allow for extra time to travel to the health center so you can arrive on time for your appointment. And always remember to be safe when traveling (walking, car, bus). Thank you.

CONSTRUCCIÓN- En la calle HOLT AVENUE entre Garey Avenue y Mills Avenue a partir de hoy y hasta Febrero 2024. Este comunicado es para informarles a nuestros pacientes que vienen a recibir atención en nuestras clínicas médicas o dentales localizadas en Holt Ave que permita tiempo adicional para viajar y planifique llegar a tiempo a su cita. Y recuerde siempre viaje seguro (caminando, automóvil, autobús). Gracias.

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